Carletta Blake

Carletta Blake

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Eugene, Oregon Man Barely Escapes Death As Sawblade Flies At Him

A Eugene, Oregon man was in a situation that could’ve been in a movie.

A runaway giant saw blade came hurtling toward a Quick Trip convenience store just as Shane Reimche walked inside.

The blade hit the store and stuck out by two inches inside the store. It was a very close call for Reimche.

He told KATU-TV “I put my hand on the door, and I heard a loud bang and yelling here at the corner.

Just as a cloud of smoke pops us and I see a guy fall in the ditch, and a four-foot blade hurling at me.”

He added “Obviously it wasn’t my time, but probably the closest I’ve ever experienced.” a contractor, who was working nearby is now being investigated for the incident.

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