Keith Kennedy

Keith Kennedy

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Physician Assistant Saves Life Of Doctor On Honeymoon Mid-Flight

Interior passenger airliner cabin flying into a airplane inside interior

Photo: photovs / iStock / Getty Images

While flying home from her honeymoon in Hawaii, 61-year-old Dr. Jacquelyn Lacera became seriously ill an hour into the flight. She experienced nausea, vomiting, sweating, and chest pain before being assisted by a fellow passenger. When the airline staff asked over the intercom if there were any medical professionals onboard, Emily Haley, a physician assistant at Maryland’s MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center, stepped forward to help.

After checking her vital signs, Haley quickly determined Lacera was experiencing an arrhythmia and provided her with fluids and oxygen. She then realized that Lacera’s condition was worsening and with Lacera’s consent, she made the decision to use a defibrillator on her. The shock stabilized her until the flight landed in California and she’s now recovering and likely facing some future heart procedures.

Lacera called the experience amazing and heaped praise on Haley for her decisive actions, saying she did everything right. Haley also received a letter of thanks from the airline and says she’s happy that Lacera is recovering and hopes to stay connected with her. Following the incident, Lacera has also reached out to her congressman about the need for better medical equipment on flights and is waiting for a response.

Source: 29 NEWS

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