Man Steps In To Save A Homeless Man, Raises Money For His Housing

Eric Overstreet has been helping unhoused residents in Mobile, Alabama, for more than a decade and recently came to the aid of Travis Reagan. Overstreet noticed that Reagan was struggling to walk due to a severely infected foot, a result of not having proper footwear and exposure to harsh conditions on the streets.

Overstreet took his homeless friend to the hospital, where doctors had to perform a partial amputation. To support him in his recovery and prevent him from returning to the streets, Overstreet organized a fundraiser with the help of his friends. Their goal is to raise funds for aftercare and provide Reagan with stable housing.

In addition to helping Reagan, Overstreet continued his mission to assist the homeless by organizing "Cargo Carts for Christmas," distributing wagons as an alternative to shopping carts for people living on the streets. The initiative provides unhoused individuals with a practical way to transport their belongings, giving them a bit more dignity in their daily lives.

Source: FOX 10 TV

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